RIS Opening – Opening Under Alert Level 3.2
Kia ora Rosehill School Whānau
We are delighted to be able to welcome more tamariki back onsite under Alert Level 3 from Wednesday 17th November and look forward to starting to bring our students back on site.
If your child is already attending full time they will continue to do so. For other students returning we need to manage the numbers of students attending each day to keep everyone safe.
Even with the Delta variant,the risk of COVID -19 transmission in schools is low because of all the public health measures we have put in place. What this will look like:
- We are dividing the school week into Year 7 days and Year 8 days
- We will keep those onsite in separate groups
- We will ensure our classrooms are well ventilated
- We will continue to proactive physical distancing and good hygiene
- All staff and student on site are required to wear a mask
- We will ensure all staff on site are fully vaccinated or will have had at least one dose of the vaccine and return a negative weekly test
- When we do return it will be different and we will initially have a focus on wellbeing, being joyful and together again with friends. Learning will continue in varying forms but will not be the priority (no end of year testing will take place). Based on the number of students returning to classrooms we will continue with some online learning to cater for students who are working from home.
We will not have the whole school attending on the same days, in order to prevent overcrowding and ensure safe distancing rules are followed both in the classroom and the playgrounds. Our school will have set days for each year group, refer to the table below
Weekly Timetable
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Year 7 Classes | Year 7 Classes | Year 8 Classes | Year 8 Classes | Online Learning for the whole school – Technology & Fun activity focus. Only students of essential workers on site |
Online Learning for Y8’s while at home on Mondays & Tuesdays | Online Learning for Y7’s while at home on Wednesdays & Thursdays |
- If there are any Y7 students who do not have any caregivers at home Wednesdays and Thursdays they will come to school and stay in their own classroom and continue online learning. Parents must notify the school if this is the case
- Y8 students will also have the same option if caregivers not at home for Mondays & Tuesdays (essential workers). Again parents must notify the school if they have to come to school
- Friday the school will only be open for essential workers or students who do not have any supervision at home
Health Procedures for Return to School:
- PARENTS will not be permitted on the school grounds when school starts again. Please wait outside the school gates, wearing a mask and follow social distancing rules. Please do not go to your child’s classroom or wander on the grounds
- If your child is UNWELL, please keep them at home and get tested
- If a child is unwell you will be contacted and required to take them home.
- All staff will be wearing face masks
- No group teaching due to limited space and social distancing requirements
- Windows and doors will be open in classrooms to increase airflow. Air conditioners and Heat pumps will not be used
- No assemblies, no syndicate sports or indoor school gatherings over 25
- Morning tea/lunch break times may be staggered across the school
- Students will not be permitted on site until 8:30 am and are required to go straight to their classroom
Student Safety
- Wearing facemasks is COMPULSORY for all students inside and outside the classroom.
- School hats must be worn in Term 4 by all students
- Rigorous hand washing and drying must be adhered to and hand sanitizer available at the entrance to classrooms
- Students will sit at their own desks. Desks and surfaces will be cleaned at the start and end of each day by students. Students will use designated toilet areas nearest their classroom
- Coughing and sneezing must be in the elbow
- Students are at school no earlier than 8:30 am and must go straight to their classroom, and leave the grounds immediately upon dismissal. Please do not loiter at the front of the school or the shops (maintain social distancing protocols)
- The school canteen will not be open during this time
- All students must bring their OWN DRINK BOTTLE from home. School drinking fountains will be closed.
- Cell phones need to be handed in to their classroom teacher at the start of day for safekeeping. Returned at the end of the day.
- Bring their own lunch from home. Do not share lunches with peers. Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds once at school
- Students must maintain social distancing protocols while in the class and the playground
- Students who cannot abide by these protocols and put other students at risk may be required to go home. Parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child
Enrolments for 2022 – office closed (no walk in enrolments) 2022 Enrolment Packs can picked up outside the front office area
Parents can email/scan their completed enrolment forms to the school or drop off their completed enrolment forms at the front entrance. Place the completed form in the labelled plastic bins at the front of the school. The office will not be open for walk-in enrolments. If you have any questions email office@rosehill.org.nz or ring the school on 298-5827
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the safety protocols and procedures when we return to school please email the principal (Maria White) – mwhite@rosehill.org.nz
Nga mihi
Maria White
Rosehill Intermediate School