All students at Rosehill Intermediate School are given the opportunity to participate in all of our Technology and Arts subjects.
All students at Rosehill Intermediate School are given the opportunity to participate in all of our Technology and Arts subjects.
Food Technology
Students learn about developing healthy food habits, working safely within a kitchen and using a wide variety of kitchen equipment and processes to create food.
Multi Materials and Media
Students develop skills using a wide range of resources such as iPads, Photoshop and Graphics to design and develop sustainable products. Other materials include pewter to make funky jewellery, wood, plastic and electronics.
Hard Materials
Students us a variety of hard materials to design and create an individualised solution to a problem. They learn how to turn an idea into physical outcome using the design process and how to safely use common machines and tools in a practical setting.
Design Technology
Students use a wide range of media to create products that are environmentally friendly. Students will explore a range of aspects and use these to develop authentic outcomes.
Students learn to create music and play musical instruments.
Students are given the opportunity to use a variety of mediums such as clay, paint, pastels, and Photoshop to create authentic Art.
3-D Design
Students will be introduced to 3-Dimensional CAD software. They will create their own personalised 3-D model which will then be produced with a 3-D printer.